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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($3997)$3997.00
  • Preferred option
    Split Payment1x $1400.00/mo

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Professional Naming by Eat My Words' founder Alexandra Watkins and one of our talented team members.

Kickoff Call with Alexandra to go over your Creative Brief.

50+ creative name choices for your new brand, inspired by your Creative Brief. 

Name Review Session with Alexandra to review and rank your names, get more name suggestions, and have her brainstorm ways to extend and support your top name choices with Taglines, Domain Names, Social Media Handles, and more. (90 mins)

Follow-up Session with Alexandra to finalize your name, Tagline, Domain Name, Job Title, and more. (45 mins)

Your choice of professionally created Taglines; Blog Names; OR Newsletter Names 

30 additional minutes of Creative Time with Alexandra where she can brainstorm ways for you to extend and support your new name with Job Titles, Marketing Ideas, Promotions, Theme Songs, and Slogans to monetize your name with merchandise. (This time can be added on to either your first or second call with her/)

Professional trademark knockout screens on your top 5 name choices. 

Free Brand Protection Call with Indie Law 

25% off all future services

Meeting Notes & Zoom Recording, plus all of your names, taglines, custom brainstorming links, and more.

3 months of email support.

Snack Pack$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xSnack Pack$0

All prices in USD
